We are igniting a renaissance of creative excellence

The Masters Guild for the Arts, Leadership, and Theology

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We understand the challenge in finding a Christian college that offers more than a degree.

The Masters Guild Apprenticeship Initiative is a choreographic platform that invites an encounter with God’s divine power, fueled by an intimate knowledge of His Word, and galvanized by His promises, whereby students can engage in a partnership with His divine nature (2 Peter 1:1-10).

Master Teachers

The Masters Guild Apprenticeship Initiative selects Master Level teachers* from around the world. Already leaders in their respective fields, these devout Christians share their industry expertise with a biblical and Spirit-led perspective.

* minimum 10,000 hours of experience


Life-changing Curriculum

The Masters Guild Apprenticeship Initiative is designed to cultivate character, work ethic, and spiritual maturity through relationships that are developed within a team. Being part of a team will allow students to acquire skills that cannot be taught in a classroom. Though students will continue to have classroom instruction, there will be a greater emphasis on working alongside team members within a mentoring structure of trust, commitment, attention to detail, communication, and accountability.

A Beautiful Campus

You will get to live, work, and study at the Lamplighter campus, which includes a cafe, bookstore, woods and trails, recording studio, gymnasium, printshop and bindery, plus a three-story educational building.


Individual Attention

Besides the life-changing curriculum of study, one of the main influences of the school will be the mentor relationships that you will develop throughout the day and after class.

Practical Application

You will get to work in many extra-curricular activities to grow in wisdom and excellence including culinary, printing, performing arts, marketing, landscaping, and more.


Build lifelong relationships with your fellow students, professors, and Lamplighter staff as you worship, minister, learn, play, eat, and celebrate together.


An Amazing Location

The Masters Guild is located in a small New York village where everything is within walking distance including the Grand Canyon of the East and only a short drive to the Great Lakes.


Fall Apprenticeship | September 16-December 13, 2024

Each 90-day Apprenticeship may include instruction from master teachers in such courses as biblical theology, business leadership, creative writing, culinary art, and so much more. You will be assigned special projects and receive hands-on experience working alongside the Lamplighter team.

Build lasting friendships as you enjoy fun activities and engage in special ministry opportunities.

Biblical Theology

Dr. Mark Hamby, TBD

The Arts

Scriptwriting, Visual Art, Dramatic Arts
(teachers will vary)

Tuition & Costs

Complete Cost for 90-days:

  • $500 - Registration Fee (non-refundable) 

  • $4,393 - Tuition

  • $2,000 - Travel/Special Activities

  • $900 - Room

  • $2,700 - Board

  • $10,493 - Total

  • -$5,700 - Work Scholarship

  • $4,793 - Final Total Cost

The Apprenticeship Initiative is valued at $36,750 per student. The total cost for students is $4,793.

*Breakdown of Value for 90-days:

  • $4,750 - Staff Mentorship

  • $26,000 - Master Teachers/Workshops

  • $2,000 - Travel/Special Experiences

  • $1000 - Room

  • $3,000 - Board

  • $36,750 - Total Value

    *Does not include Administrative costs, curriculum development, or executive leadership mentoring

Schedule for 2024

Winter Apprenticeship - January 15-April 12

Summer Apprenticeship - June 3-August 2 (pricing may vary)

Fall Apprenticeship - September 16-December 13


Biblical Position

The Masters Guild believes without any doubt all things contained in Scripture to be true and a living letter to God’s children.

The Bible, the true story of God’s great deeds, has been written down so that we may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and so believing, have life in His name (John 20:31). The Holy Scriptures have been given to us historically so that we might come to know the covenanting God and His way of doing things in creation and so that we might be able to obey Him more maturely, as adopted sons and daughters who had lost their way in the world. More specifically, we hold to the following truths:

  • This is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

  • We believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God yet distinct in function and revelation.

  • Given by a divine act at the moment of genuine repentance and faith in the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Master Guild